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Heufy Mod 0.1.0 MinecraftVersion: 1.7.10
Nissecrew Community!
This is where we upload other things than maps!

This mod adds
+Bazooka & Rocket (Rocket is ammo for the Bazooka)
+Pistol and bullets
+Flamethrower and flame
+Lightning Wand & Lightning Spell
+OverPowered Sniper & ammo
+Lightning Armor
+Big Mommy TNT (use redstone to acticate)
+Popcorn & Corn
UPDATE 0.1.0!
+Brown Lapis Block, Liquid, Armor AND Wand
+Boiled Egg AND Cooked Egg
+Camo Armor 1, 2 AND 3
+Sniper + Ammo
+Diamond Pistol + Bullets
(How to get to the new dimension: Make a Nether portal but switch obsidian to Moss Stone, and lit it with Ingniter
UPDATE 0.2.0! The Last Update! (More Information further down)
+Blaze Apple
+2 NEW DIMENSIONS! Sad Dimension AND Brown Lapis Dimension (How to build: SAD DIMENSION PORTAL: Make a nether portal frame with iron blocks, then ignite it with Sad Igniter and then DONE) (How to build: BROWN LAPIS DIMENSION PORTAL: Make a nether portal frame with Brown Lapis Stone Bricks and ignite it with Brown Lapis Igniter and then DONE)
+Fire Wand & Fire Spell (Can't Shoot Fire though)
+Blood Bucket (To Drink)
+Camera (Doesn't Really Work)
+Laser Gun, Laser & Light Saber
+Suit & Hat
+Diver Armor (Just as protection)
+Space Armor (Just as protection)
+Different Types of SNIPERS (Emerald, Diamond, Gold, Iron, Stone and Wood)
+Lightning Sword
+Knife (Just for combat)
+Emerald SwordAxe (A combination between a sword and a axe)
+Brown Lapis MultiTool
+Dead Grass & Dead Grass On All Sides
+Brown Lapis Stone Brick
+JackHackandNisseagent Block (The Creators)(Rotates)
+Rainbow Glass (Changes Color)
This is because the program we used to make Heufy Mod was just gone one day... So we have to Re-install the program and start again, but this time were going to make a new mod called Glazzig Mod! More info soon!
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